Setting Boundaries

I’m an explainer. And for the longest time, I struggled with saying no, putting myself first, and being wary of the feelings of others. ⁣⁣And to soften my “rejection,” I would try to explain, offer an alternative solution, or try to help them understand my reasons. ⁣⁣Did it change anything? Nope. All it did was further drain my energy, while doubt and guilt settled in. ⁣⁣Exhausting. ⁣⁣It takes a lot of work to get to the place where you can set and enforce boundaries WITHOUT feelings. To separate yourself from the act, to stand up for your needs, and love your life for you. But it can be done. ⁣⁣So for all you parents who are navigating e-learning and have a full house, to the working from home employee who is expected to be available at all times, set your boundaries, create a space for yourself...and remember, a true boundary doesn’t require an explanation.
Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.

Best Life

