Stop asking for permission

What do you think if I? ⁣

Should I do? ⁣

Can I ask your advice?⁣

I want to but I just don’t know. ⁣

Tell me what to do. ⁣

Anyone else say these phrases? We look towards others for validation and answers that they don’t have and can’t give us. We base our decisions on the opinions of others, many of whom make choices in their own lives we would never choose. Why?⁣

True, lasting change begins from within. And the more you trust yourself to provide the answers, the more easily the answers will⁣ come. Call it intuition, guidance, or fate - the name itself doesn’t matter. But get out of your own way, stop relying upon others to decide for you, and create your life.

Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.

Purpose part 2