Dear Past…

Dear Past,

Thank you for all the lessons you taught me.

Dear future,

I am ready now.

Let. It. Go. This is how ⤵️⁣

You hear a lot about releasing the past, learning from the past, and not living in the past, right? ⁣

But I don’t think anyone really knows how to even start to do just that. And while my image of writing a letter is a little flippant, there is some truth to putting the intention down on paper.⁣

If you feel like there is something that is holding you back, still plaguing your thoughts and even your dreams at night, maybe you need to work a little bit harder to release. ⁣

Get a piece of paper, write down all of your thoughts and feelings associated with one thing that keeps occupying space in your mind. ⁣

Write it all down. Set a timer for 5 minutes and don’t stop until the timer goes off. Don’t think about what you’re writing, just let it all come out. It doesn’t even have to be legible. ⁣

And then at the end of the writing, take your paper (print it out if you were typing) and tear it, shred it, bury it (literally) or even set it on fire!⁣

Symbolically release while saying, “ Thank you for the lessons that I learned, but now you need to go. I am ready to move on.”⁣

Future? Ready or not, here I come!

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Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.

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