New Year - self reflection
The new year is a great time to reflect upon what went well and what would would like to change. But self-reflection can be overwhelming. But it is by asking ourselves questions, checking in with ourselves, that we can truly figure out what, if anything, needs to change. Asking self-probing questions moves us away from being stuck to a place where change and growth is possible.
When beginning the self-reflection process, It is helpful to start by reflecting upon the past year - did you make any resolutions? Did you stick to them? What happened? What would you change? What went well?
Additional questions may be:
1. At what point in my life was I the happiest? How can I get back to that place?
2. Am I getting in my own way of growth?
Focusing on the future can create feelings of anxiety so it is helpful to think of the future in terms of emotions, rather that steps. For example, one of the most popular self-examination questions includes looking at your future dream life. But instead of focusing on too many specific details, focus upon the feelings and the emotions in a more abstract way. "What is a typical day like?" "How do you feel?" "What excites you?" "Who is with you?"
When you start to develop a clear picture of how you would like your life to be, then you can begin to think about how it can take shape.
From there, you can make an action plan. It's important to break down goals into small, manageable steps and maintain flexibility along the way.