Painful ending? Or New Beginning?
Is it the end? In the moment, it feels like it is. The pain, tears, and sadness that you think will never go away. The fear and anxiety of the unknown. The details that have to be handled that are too overwhelming to process. It’s never going to change or get better.
Like so many other times in your life, you start to move. It’s not easy and you are unsure of your motions, but you get through it. Somehow. You may not have a plan but you just keep moving. One foot in front of the other. Trudging. One day at a time.
You are standing at the edge, the end of the pain, that bridge between pain and loss and newness and opportunity. And you take that step. And you take another.
You turn around and see how far you’ve come. The distance is great. You squint into the past, trying to remember what it was that you once held dear. You turn back around, grateful for the lessons of the past and the hope for the future.