What is your story?

I used to get so annoyed. ⁣

I would be sharing an experience with my brother, all fired up and in my emotional mind, and he would say, in his big brother voice, “It’s your story, you tell it.” ⁣

And I didn’t really understand it at the time because I was young, but I remember when it clicked. I 𝘸𝘢𝘴 sharing a story, literally and figuratively. I was showing him how I view my world by my descriptions, emotions, and actions. ⁣

What is your story? ⁣

We all tell ourselves a story about who we are and we present this story to the outside world. ⁣

The story becomes us and influences how we respond and approach the world. ⁣

But what kind of story is it? Is it a true story? ⁣

Is it based upon reality or fantasy? Is it focused upon the life that we used to have or the life we want? ⁣

Is it a story heavily influenced by the past? Or one showing steps towards the future? ⁣

If I were to meet you, what story would you tell?⁣

#itsyourjourney #itsmystory #viewoftheworld #perspectiveiseverything #selfimage #authenticself #bestlifequotes #lifepurpose #elevatetheeveryday #pastbehindme #letitgoquotes #movingforwardinlife #childhoodmessages #selfhealingjourney #journeyoflife #perspectiveiseverything #shiftyourperspective #bookoflife

Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.




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