4 Steps to Help Make a Decision

We live in a world that has more choices than ever before and we are expected to make decisions more quickly than ever. It can be difficult to take in, think through, and then act upon all the information.

Remember, indecision is a decision.

But keep these steps in mind.

1. Assess: - how big of a decision is it anyway? Is there really a wrong answer? What is the worst that can happen? Can you adjust down the road?

2. Analyze: Can you decide by process of elimination? What can you rule out? Moving through your list of choices, even if they aren’t realistic, can help propel you forward.

3. Allotment: Give yourself a deadline. An endpoint. Set a timer and whatever the leading decision is after a designated time, that’s the one you will go with. Period..

4. Ask: Use a lifeline. Ask someONE, just ONE person for feedback. Someone you trust and someone who is qualified to address the issue.

Remember, there is no perfect choice.

You make the best choice with the information you have at the time, and move forward knowing that you can change in the future.

Some of us seem to make decisions more easily than others, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make decisions or that you don’t make them well. Try not to confuse speed of decision making with making a right or wrong choice.

Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.


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