5 Ways to Improve Anxiety

How to improve anxiety:

1.      Realize it’s always going to be there. Sometimes we have this idea that if we are feeling anxious, that means there’s something wrong or we aren’t getting better. Move from the idea of getting rid of anxiety to learning to manage anxiety.

 2.      Learn to examine the anxious thoughts. Ask yourself: is this a problem I can solve or is this constant noise? If it’s just noise, consider it background music and learn to let it be.

 3.      Draw upon previous successes. Anxiety comes with this belief that you won’t be able to handle a difficult situation. Remember all the times you did handle difficult moments for a confidence boost.

 4.      Think of the feeling as excitement rather than anxiety. They are very similar to the brain so reframing could be beneficial.

 5.      Bring yourself back to present moment – anxiety is future thinking about unknowns. You can’t address a problem that isn’t here yet so stay in the present. Take some breaths, offer yourself some reassurance, and give yourself the ok to wait and see.

Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.


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