Doubt and inaction.
Uncertainty. Insecurity. Fear.
Imposter syndrome.
Doubt is an emotional state - a period of indecision centered around belief.
Is this true? Can I trust this decision? What results will I get? Will this work?
Self-doubt is thought to be developed after working through a developmental stage. If successful, independence snd confidence develops, if not, insecurity and self-doubt arise.
So...what can you do?
Stay in the present moment as much as possible. Try not to look ahead or imagine possible outcomes. All that does increase fear and anxiety.
Trust yourself. You’ve gotten this far. You know the best choice for you. And you’ve gotten yourself outbid difficult situations before if all goes wrong. You are capable!
Talk to someone. If you just go through the possible scenarios, do it once, discuss all possibilities, and then make a decision. Once you make the decision, move forward. Don’t second guess yourself.
Keep an open mind. Learn from any mistakes. Let last experiences go. Keep trying.
The key is to act. Try. Guess. Move.
All these actions will help you overcome doubt and move forward.
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