How others respond

How others respond to your emotions, is their problem, not yours. Don’t apologize for having feelings.

Does this sound familiar?⁣

“What’s wrong with me?”⁣

“I’m such a baby.”⁣

No, you’re not. You’re human. You are not a robot. You have feelings. ⁣

Why does that make you broken?⁣

It doesn’t. Just because someone else is not feeling what you are feeling, does not make your feelings wrong. Less valid. Not real. ⁣

We all experience life differently and you need to be free to express your true self, without worrying what others think. ⁣

If it makes them uncomfortable, too bad! Those that truly love you for you, will love you and all your emotions, too. ⁣

How others respond to you is not your responsibility. ⁣

All you can be in this world is yourself. So do it well. ⁣

Natalie Bernstein

Dr. Natalie is a licensed psychologist who provides individual, couples, and family therapy in over 40 states. In addition, she performs child custody evaluations and is an adjunct psychology professor.

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