Life is too short….
Life is too short to be bored.
Are you feeling stuck? If you know someone who is, tag them so they see this...
Life is too short to spend it feeling bored, uninspired, and stuck.
As adults, we have to be responsible, find jobs, pay bills, and maybe even do the parent thing...
But sometimes WE get lost in the shuffle.
And these activities, while rewarding, don’t light a fire under us anymore.
I had a client who couldn’t put a finger on what was “wrong,” with her life. She knew she had it all, but just couldn’t figure out what was missing. It didn’t take long to realize SHE was missing.
The way she described herself was all wrapped up in things that she 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 and who she is for others, but there was nothing of who SHE is. It was almost as if she had lost herself along the way in all of these new roles.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s very grateful for having this kind of life, but she wanted something more, quite frankly, she was bored.
And don’t even get me started about the feelings of guilt that came along with wanting more.
You may long for something, but at this stage of life, not even know where to begin.
You may know what you truly want or have no clue at all.
Guess what?
You don’t have to know right now! Things can be adjusted and changed along the way.
But start. Start small. Even thinking about this idea, is a step towards fulfillment.
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